While her on-screen alter ego is relishing in making Finn's life miserable, Kathleen Gati (Liesl Obrecht) is doing some celebrating of her own. The Emmy-nominated actress welcomed the birth of her first grandchild, Miles.
"I don't even know where to start to express the profound fullness of my joy, the sheer and pure happiness...and the indescribable love my heart is feeling!!! It is with truly such a deep and powerful sense of pride that I share with you all...that my beautiful, special and awesome grandson has entered this world," Gati shared on Facebook. "Thank you Derek and Valerie for giving me this incredible grandson! Wishing you three good health, happiness and sheer joy!!!! Look out Miles, here comes your Hungarian-Canadian-American Gramma armed with gigantic baking bowls and pots and pans to feed you and love you with all the love I have to give!! I am now officially one of those grandmothers who will walk around with a huge accordion wallet of photos that you will not want to see, but will be forced to!! PS. Isn't he GORGEOUS!?"
We have to agree -- the little one is absolutely adorable. But don't take out word for it -- judge for yourself below.
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